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How to Make Kratom Tea

Kratom is an herb from the tropical tree Mitragyna speciosa that’s consumed as a stimulant, pain reliever and mood enhancer. It’s also used to increase focus and energy. It interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate mood and promote feelings of well-being. While kratom has a long history of use in Southeast Asia, it’s not yet fully understood by scientists. It is not regulated by the FDA, and there is no evidence that it treats any medical conditions. The DEA has classified it as a drug of concern, and some states have banned its sale.

It is available as a capsule, extract or powder, and it can be brewed into tea. kratom tea is a popular method of consumption, since it’s easier on the stomach than other forms of the herb. Tea can be made from fresh or dried kratom leaves, and it can be sweetened with sugar or honey. If you have a teen who uses kratom, it’s important to talk to them about how they take it and its effects. It’s also helpful to make sure they are using it safely, and that they aren’t developing an addiction.

The easiest way to make kratom tea is by boiling water and adding crushed or powdered kratom leaves or seeds. Then, allow the mixture to simmer for 10 to 20 minutes. Stirring the brew occasionally can help pull out more alkaloids from the plant. After the brew is ready, it can be strained and allowed to cool. The resulting liquid can be drunk warm or cold, and it can be sweetened with sugar, honey or stevia if desired.

This kratom tea recipe can be enjoyed throughout the day as an invigorating alternative to coffee or energy drinks. You can also store leftovers in an airtight container and refrigerate it for future brewing. Kratom tea can be stored for up to a week, depending on the brew time and strength.

In addition to being a tasty beverage, kratom tea can provide an array of benefits. The energizing effects of kratom come from its ability to boost levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It’s also known to alleviate anxiety and depression by reducing stress hormone levels.

Some people report that consuming kratom tea can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing energy, boosting serotonin and dopamine, promoting relaxation and enhancing concentration. However, the DEA has issued warnings about consuming kratom, and some health experts warn that there’s not enough information to support its use for medicinal purposes. Others have reported that it may cause a variety of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, agitation, rapid heartbeat and seizures. According to the National Poison Data System, a number of calls have been made to poison control centers about kratom, with some of those calls describing severe side effects like seizures, hallucinations and coma. The DEA has recommended that it be added to the Schedule I list of drugs.

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